Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Cool Essay Topics to Write About

Cool Essay Topics to Write AboutThe key to writing a great essay is coming up with some cool essay topics to write about. Unfortunately, the same question that comes up over again in classes and conversation is 'what topic should I write about?' I have written a few cool topic ideas to get you started in this article.First, a good question to ask yourself is 'what do I want to say about something?' Let me give you an example, one of my favorite essay topics is to talk about music, as people spend their lives surrounded by music. It is one of the most difficult things to write about and it is also the best way to start a conversation or opinion about music, especially if you don't like music at all.I will often reference one of my favorite things, which is one of the most popular hip hop songs ever, and talk about how many musicians of different genres and ages had to make adjustments to the song to conform to legal requirements set forth by the record company, who were trying to brea k a particular artist. If you write down a couple of examples of topics that relate to this, I am sure you will be able to think of many more that are also cool. You may even find that you can link up with others who share similar interests, as well as open a conversation. This can be very interesting for you and your classmates.Second, I will sometimes go out of my way to come up with some really cool essay topics to write about, as I love sports. While it is much easier to just go down to the library and look up some sports topics, as the library is full of books on the subject, it is also the one place where you are not likely to be questioned about your choice in topic. I remember how a writer friend of mine came up with this great idea to write about the sporting events she covered in her newspaper column. Since I did not really know anything about sports when she told me this, I asked her how to go about it.You can find websites devoted to sports-related topics from a quick li ttle online search, so do not be afraid to take some time and research different topics. After all, you want to get started on an interesting topic that will interest the other students in your class, so you should consider their opinions and discuss them in your own work.Third, another difficult topic to write about is a very interesting and fun one, but can be quite controversial, as this type of essay often calls for a personal or political stance. Sometimes, even if the topic is covered in a forum, the information is no longer up to date or correct, which can make your students think you are too close to certain issues, or possibly biased, which can be disappointing for all involved.The most important thing to remember is that the key to writing cool essay topics to write about is coming up with topics that interest you and your classmates. If you are passionate about the topic you are researching, then you will enjoy your discussions, and your class will not only be better for it, but everyone will love it, as you will all like the same topic.These are just a few ideas to get you started, there are plenty of other cool essay topics to write about, and I would encourage you to get started! You will be glad you did.

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